Over the years, thanks to social networks (sometimes they also have merits), I have had the opportunity to meet and appreciate many photographers, of different nationalities. There are some photographers, who more than others have attracted my attention thanks to their enormous sensitivity of mind, sensitivity that is obviously projected in their photographs. This is the case of Krista McCuish, a Canadian photographer who is now guest of my column 'Photographic stories'. Krista is an artist who winks at the intimate Landscape, and does it flawlessly and emotionally, the result of inner research, even before aesthetics. I wish you a good read and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter to receive further updates.
When I have time to immerse myself in nature, I spend much of it visiting this freshwater wetland not far from my home. It is an area that fascinates me with all its grassy hummocks, vernal pools, woodland ponds, and abundant wildlife. Travelling in and around these areas increases the likelihood of wet feet, so I always have this place to myself because of its swampy characteristics and general lack of appeal. As I observe the seasonal transitions, I have come to love its beautiful winter scenes the best. We often have heavy winter rainstorms followed by rapid freezes. This means that in a short space of time, these swampy wetlands become ice wonderlands. A feast for the eyes.
This image was taken on one of those crisp frozen mornings in February. The morning was still and absolutely quiet except for the crunch of the frozen ground under my feet. I followed an icy waterway for several kilometres until I came to an area of thicker ice around a small pond. It was at the edge of the pond that I noticed these magical swirls in the ice around tall fallen reeds. A few days previously, I had been reading about synesthesia which is a neurological condition in which the brain can process data into more than one of the five senses. In this case, I immediately responded with both sight and sound (not really true synesthesia). I imagined myself hearing and playing a calming Chopin nocturne while processing the details that resembled the musical score written in the ice. Images of ice often tend to have a textural and structural beauty in their colour, pattern, and line. Sometimes we find and need to understand these visual relationships in many aspects of nature and respond to them with open expressions of our own deepest emotions. Having these experiences and making images like these carries me forward on a personal journey of discovery through all the challenges that life brings.
Website: www.kristamccuish.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/krista.mccuish
Instagram: @kristamccuish
Twitter: @kristamccuish
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