Antonio Aleo Photography

Apr 6, 20202 min

Photographic stories: Csomai Dávid - Serene Arctic

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

Ciao ragazzi, l'autore che ospiterò oggi è un giovane fotografo di Satu Mare, Romania. Ha un portfolio ricco di immagini della sua fantastica terra, non ché un bellissimo racconto fotografico di Svalbard, un arcipelago del Mare Glaciale Artico e terra abitata da esseri umani più a nord del mondo.

Ho chiesto a Dávid di parlarci della sua fotografia preferita del viaggio in Svalbard e di tutte le emozioni celate al suo interno. Non dimenticate di iscrivervi alla newsletter per rimanere aggiornati. Buona lettura

Csomai Dávid - Serene Arctic

In August 2019 we have been to the Norwegian archipelago, Svalbard (or Spitsbergen) together with my brother, looking for the everyday life and places of the islands far beyond the Arctic Circle, more exactly 1300 km from the North Pole. Most of the population lives in largest settlement, Longyearbyen and you barely can step outside the border as there is a high risk of polar bear attacks in the whole territory. Therefore, from photographic perspective we had limited potentials, we had to figure out something around the city without leaving the settlement.

We have been fortunate enough to experience the seasons’ first snowfall and to watch the snow change the scenery, how it transformed from one season to another. Usually, at night there weren’t any hikers or tourists outside so I could experience the feeling of complete solitude and perfect silence as I stood witnessing the majesty of the rusty hills and peaks for hours. We had plenty of time to take photos due to the twenty-four-hour daylight provided by the legendary midnight sun and a few moody and dark clouds improved the scenery too. Every inch of this place presented me with a chance to make myself one with nature by stripping me of my 21st century modern guards. Through this vulnerability I could immerse myself in nature's raw power and potent beauty.

In the following days we participated in a boat tour to another settlement and admired the jagged mountains and wildlife of the archipelago during the trip, and on the way back, we had a close encounter with the mighty blue whale. We even rented a car for a day to explore the few but diverse roads of the islands. In the end, I woke up without knowing the exact time, however it did not matter anymore. 168 hours of daylight left me with an abiding memory of a life totally different from our ordinary world. I intend to go back someday to live through the dark side of the islands as well.

As a geology student I was fascinated by the geology and landscape of these places, but experiencing it first-hand upon visiting them provided a different layer of knowledge. In these days, the role of a photographer is not just to transmit a vision, but we also have a duty to raise awareness of sustainability and to protect the planet by every means possible.



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