Antonio Aleo Photography

Jan 4, 20213 min

Photographic stories: "Milutin Savkovic - Frozen"

Hi guys, after a few months off, I am opening 2021 with a new article of '' Photographic Tales '', a column dedicated to the most reflective and sentimental world of nature and landscape photography, on the photographic interpretations of the photographers who are guests of my blog, onrichness of their stories and experiences.The first guest of 2021 is Milutin Savkovic, a Serbian nature photographer (but resident in Sweden), whom I got to like on social networks.

I wish you a good read and invite you to subscribe to the newsletter in order not to miss the next posts.

Enjoy the reading

Hello everyone!

My name is Milutin. I'm born and raised in Serbia and currently living and photographing in Sweden. Although I've been photographing for two years now, I consider myself beginer when it comes to landscape photography. Learning your camera settings and technical part of photography is one thing, but learning how to express your feelings and emotion through an image is on whole another level. That's the main reason I do generally think I'm still beginner. Having said that I would like to share with you one image which I consider to be my first portfolio image and perhaps more importantly, a story to remember and something to think about.

I had an exact image in my mind. A local lake on a cold winter morning with pines rising through a fog in a background. Sounds sweet right? Well, well...

The day before I checked weather app and it was looking very promising. Subzero temperature, mostly clear skies with some high altitude clouds, as well as fog. What else could landscape photograoher ask for, perfect. Just like most nature photographers, the next morning I woke up well before sunrise, which is not particularly hard in Sweden in a winter time. I went to the lake as I planed before and conditions were absolutely amazing. Frozen shore just like I wanted and rolling fog. There was only one problem. It was still a little too dark as it was around twenty minutes before sunrise. As I was waiting for the sun to rise I was playing with my camera figuring out the best composition, and then something happened. I never saw that before or after, the fog disappeared so quickly I couldn't believe it. I was standing alone looking to the blue sky, shocked and completely disappointed. My morning was ruined, or at least that was what I thought back then. I quickly packed up my gear and decided to go home.

After just few hundred meters I came across little frozen puddle, not larger then one square meter. It was beautiful with all interesting details and shapes. I felt stupid and ashamed. I realized I shouldn't be angry or disappointed because condisions weren't as I imagined. That's nature and we can't control it. After all, the purpose of going outside in nature is to feel better, not opposite.

I spent well over one hour playing around the puddle and enjoying beautiful cold air. I felt excited, joyfull and alive again.

Experiencing this situation so early in my career is something I am very grateful for. Now I do as little planning as possible when I go outside. That way I am never disappointed. If something catches my eye great, if not, great again, I enjoyed my time outside.

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